Updated: 1/8/2024
The Museum Trustee Association (MTA) is the only organization dedicated to providing ongoing board education programs, services, and resources for the special needs of museum trustees. MTA is uniquely experienced in museum trustee education. Attendees of the many programs provided have gained confidence in their fiduciary and stewardship roles and contributed positively to the growth and success of their museums.
As a pioneer in the field and sole provider of education services for museum trustees, the MTA is uniquely experienced to serve the trustee audience. In 2001, the Museum Trustee Association celebrated 30 years of service to museum trustees. The association was formed in 1971 as a committee of the American Association of Museums. Time revealed that the differences of focus, responsibility and interest between museum professionals and volunteers was better served by a separate nonprofit organization. Today, that independent organization is the Museum Trustee Association, which was established independently in 1986, and received its federal IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in 1991.
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