Last updated: 3/14/2017
Benzonia, Michigan
Street Address
6941 Traverse Avenue
Benzonia, MI 49616
Mailing Address
P.O.Box 185
Benzonia, MI 49616
phone: 231-882-5539


May 1st to October 15th
Tuesday - Saturday
11 AM - 5 PM
Winter Hours
We are like mice under the snow, working to put up the events for next summer. If you see our cars out in front, com'n in. Better yet make an appointment.
11 AM - 11:59 PM


Free admission but donations are encouraged and accepted.


Dr. Misty Sheehan
phone: 231-882-5539

Our mission is to inspire people to explore the past! The Benzie Area Historical Society seeks to educate and entertain the public about Benzie County and many of communities that boarder it, through exhibits at the museum and programs held throughout the area. The Benzie Area Historical Society and Museum celebrate the people, industries, and organizations that made Benzie County's History and Heritage an important factor in Northwest Michigan. The BAHS Museum is housed in a 1887 built Congregational Church building in Benzonia and is listed on the Michigan State Register of Historic Sites.

Our museum holds historical treasures beginning with Americas' First People, Native Americans prior to the arrival of the first white settlers. Industries beginning with the timber rush, logging and sawmills, charcoal and early chemical works, iron foundry's, maritime history including commercial shipping from various Lake Michigan ports, commercial and recreational fishing, agriculture and food processing and of course, the Ann Arbor Railroad and Car Ferry days. Contact us at (231) 882-5539 or via email at

The Benzie Area Historical Society is a Michigan non-profit and IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


Our mission is to inspire people to explore the past! The Benzie Area Historical Society seeks to educate and entertain the public about Benzie County and many of communities that boarder it, through exhibits at the museum and programs held throughout the area.

The Benzie Area Historical Museum, owned and operated by the Benzie Area Historical Society. The Museum is housed in an 1887 built Congregational Church building in Benzonia and is listed on the Michigan State Register of Historic Sites. #PureMichigan #PureBenzie #MichiganHistory


The museum is owned and operated by the Benzie Area Historical Society, a non-profit corporation that exists to collect, interpret and expand knowledge about Benzie area history. To do this, for nearly 50 years it has maintained the Benzie Area Historical Museum, located in a historic 1887 church building which became the center of a religious colony originally begun in Benzonia in 1858.


Our Benzonia Academy Lecture Series are very popular! Schedules can be found on our Facebook Page and via our Benzie Area Historical Society Website!


Benzie Area Historical Society and Museum, a non-profit corporation.

Our Genealogy Section

Our Genealogy Section is an exciting new addition to the Benzie Area Historical Museum. Volunteers are obtaining genealogical information from families who have been residents of Benzie County for at least 75 to 100 years. This information is then being entered into the museum’s computer in a genealogical format. Input includes names, birth dates, death dates, photos, newspaper articles, stories from the families, obituaries, and important documents--any information you wish to share with us. Our mission is to “preserve your family information for future generations.”

Genealogy is an on-going pursuit--it is never complete. Our team is capable of helping you put your information together and in many cases build upon it, providing you with information that will enrich your records. BAHM has a fantastic collection of obituaries and photos which have been gathered over the years. Where available, they will be integrated into your family’s genealogical record. Printouts of the information gathered and input into the museum’s computer programs will also be available to you. Cost will be $15.00 and up, depending upon the size of the file. Certificates recognizing your family’s longevity in Benzie County will also be available upon request.

Our genealogy team is receiving many requests for genealogical information. The museum genealogist’s procedure is to check the museum and computer files to fulfill the request for information. A donation to the museum is requested for this service. If you are interested in being a part of this program and sharing your family information, please contact the museum at (231) 882-5539 and leave a message. If you would like to set up an appointment, please call or leave a message with Kay at (231) 352-4170.

Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members

Appointment required: True


The Benzie Heritage is published and distributed quarterly. If you would like to be on the mailing list, use the Join Us selection to find out how to become a member.

Have a few hours for your community????

Benzie Area Historical Society currently has a strong volunteer core--but we always need more folks to help out. Consider getting actively involved! Your participation can be brief (a task group, perhaps the receptions), more involved (committees, openings available on all of them ), or tailored to your availability (docent/museum host working a few hours each week or less). Task groups tend to have short term responsibilities, usually just a single event or project. The committees, based upon responsibilities, tend to meet at least once each quarter although some do meet monthly. Individual roles are available for volunteers who can make commitments to a specific larger project by working a few hours weekly or biweekly.

Group Tours
Museum Events
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Public Lands Alliance 2025 Convention and Trade Show

February 2 - 6, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

Georgia Association of Museums 2025 Conference

February 5 - 7, 2025

Milledgeville, Georgia

Small Museum Association 41st Annual Conference 2025

February 17 - 19, 2025

Gaithersburg, Maryland

2025 California Association of Museums Conference

February 18 - 22, 2025

San Fransico, California

2025 Tennessee Association of Museums Conference: HOPE

March 11 - 14, 2025

Knoxville, Tennessee



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