Updated: 3/15/2011
Tours, museums, and artifacts depict the region's celery farming heritage at this center. In addition, the center features an 1856, one-room schoolhouse, a 1931 grain elevator, playground facilities, a picnic area, biking and walking trails, the Hayloft Theatre, and summer festivals such as Family Festival, New Orleans Festival, and Michigan Shakespeare Festival.
Historical Interpretive Center on celery farming to region with working farm area (small fee)
Canoe and bicycle rentals (PCBP livery)
Playground equipment
Hard surface trail connecting to Bicentennial
Park Ponds
Hayloft Theatre (summer entertainment)
Stuart Manor (Greek Revival home available for group reservation)
1856 Schoolhouse (restored schoolhouse available for reservation)
Grain elevator (available for group reservation)
Celery Flats Amphitheatre (summer entertainment)
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