Updated: 6/18/2023
100 Jefferson Street
Lexington, VA 24450
204 West Washington Street
Lexington, VA 24450
Ms. Patricia Hobbs
phone: 540-463-8767
Robert Forsberg
phone: 540-458-8768
A National Historic Landmark, the Chapel opened in 1868 during Robert E. Lee's tenure as 11th president of then Washington College. Non-denominational and unconsecrated, the Chapel housed an auditorium, administrative offices, a YMCA, and a library. In 1928, a museum was installed in the basement. Today, that museum constitutes several gallery spaces with exhibitions on the history of the university.
Since the days of Robert E. Lee, Lee Chapel has been at the heart of life on the campus of Washington and Lee University. Embued with tradition, it continues to be a gathering place for the University's most important events
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