Last updated: 1/4/2011
6700 Azalea Garden Road
Norfolk, VA 23518
Mr. Donald Buma
phone: 757-441-5830
The gardens consist of 155 acres of some of the largest collections of azaleas, camellias, roses, and hollies. Tour by boat or trackless train, visit gift shop and café. Daily programs and tours.
The idea for what would eventually become Norfolk Botanical Garden came from Frederic Heutte, a young horticulturalist, and Thomas P. Thompson, Norfolk City Manager 1935-1938. Heutte had a fondness for azaleas and thought Hampton Roads had a climate uniquely suited for growing the plants. Heutte and Thompson believed that Norfolk could support an azalea garden to rival those of Charleston, S.C., which even during the depression years drew thousands of tourists annually.
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