Last updated: 10/22/2010
132 N. Sycamore Street
Petersburg, VA 23803
Wednesday - Saturday
10 AM - 4 PM
Donna Jacobs
phone: 804-733-8200
Angie Long
phone: 804-733-8200
Howard Myers
phone: 804-733-8200
The center has a large gallery for our monthly juried All-Media Show, 64 artist's studios, and the Mezzanine Gallery where we host seven Single-Artist shows a month.
Date July 5, 2003. The Shockoe Bottom Arts Center has become the Petersburg Regional Art Center. The lease was up in Richmond and the City of Petersburg offered us a very nice building in Old Town Petersburg.
The Shockoe Bottom Arts Center began September 1994 with the primary mission to provide an opportunity for local artists to get their work before the public. The Art Center started with 50 studios and a large performance area. In May 1996 we added ten studios in the performance area and July 1998 we expanded to the second floor with 65 additional studios, and a new exhibition space called the Tobacco Gallery. The building used to be an old tobacco factory. Closed June 28, 2003.
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