8 East Washington Street
Lexington, VA 24450
Lexington, VA 24450
Ms. Michael Anne Lynn
phone: 540-463-2552
The Stonewall Jackson House is the only home that the famous Confederate General Thomas Jonathan 'Stonewall' Jackson ever owned. Jackson and his wife, Mary Anna Morrison, lived in the house while he taught at the Virginia Military Institute before the Civil War. The house, a Registered National Landmark, is owned and operated by the Stonewall Jackson Foundation.
Thomas Jonathan Jackson lived in Lexington from 1851-1861, while he was a professor of Natural Philosophy and an instructor of artillery tactics at the Virginia Military Institute. During that decade Jackson joined the Lexington Presbyterian church, married, bought the only home he ever owned, and lived quietly as a private citizen.
In April, 1861, Jackson rode off to war. He never returned to Lexington alive.
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