Last updated: 2/4/2012
150 E. Commerce Street
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Ms. Gail Robinson
phone: 856-451-2620
Found in the Woodruff Museum of Indian Artifacts, located in the lower level of the Bridgeton Free Public Library at 150 E. Commerce Street in Bridgeton, NJ, are some 30,000 pieces on Native American relics creatively laid out in display cases.
Among the 30,000 pieces you will find approximately 25,000 Indian arrowheads, all found in South Jersey. Amid the arrowheads, you will find some Folsom Points which are about 10,000 years old.
All artifacts in the museum come from the Lenni Lenape Indian Tribe. James Holder, one of the museum's volunteer tour guides, explains that all were found in what the Indians called the Unalachtigo section of the Delaware Indian Nation. This section covered parts of what is now Ocean and Burlington Counties on the northern border and extended southward covering all the South Jersey counties
Other interesting items displayed in the museum are a collection of axes dating back 1,000 years, gorgets that Indian women used to tie their hair back, cooking utensils, fishing bobs, pipes and bones such as the skull of a dog found at the feet of a skeleton in an Indian burial ground.
Every Saturday, except on holidays, a group of volunteers interested in Indian artifacts and collectors themselves, serve as tour guides for the museum and are available to take school children on tours during the week if scheduled by schools.
These knowledgeable volunteers provide a valuable background to what a visitor sees in the dozens of displays located throughout the museum. They are there from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm every Saturday.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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