Updated: 2/28/2012
The IQSC's mission is two-fold: to study those past and present who have practiced the tradition, the objects they have made and the materials they have used, and to collect, conserve and exhibit quilts and associated textiles.
The collections of the International Quilt Study Center have grown to include nearly 2000 quilts representing fourteen countries. The IQSC is dedicated to locating the finest examples of quilts of all eras and geographical origins. The ongoing commitment to assembling this richly diverse and fascinating resource has led to many exciting discoveries of quilts and textiles to add to the collection.
Academic Center
In conjunction with establishment of the center, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln established a one-of-a-kind graduate program in Textile History with an emphasis in Quilt Studies. This unique program, part of the Department of Textiles, Clothing and Design, was first offered in 2001.
Public Exhibitions
To date, the International Quilt Study center has organized over 20 comprehensive quilt exhibitions which have traveled to more than 50 locations throughout the United States and internationally.
World's largest publicly held collection of quilts. 2000 quilts and related textiles, from 14 countries, dating from late 1700's to present.
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday through Friday, closed on University holidays
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