Last updated: 5/15/2012
908 Yellowstone
Alliance, NE 69301
PO Drawer D
Alliance, NE 69301
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 7 PM
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 5 PM
Becci Thomas
phone: 308-762-2384
Cindy Zurn
To honor, educate and preserve the history of Alliance, Western Nebraska and the pioneer life and spirit of the Sandhills. "Come be a part of Alliance's History"
The Knight Museum & Sandhills Center re-opened it's doors in March of 2010 after a massive renovation. The Gallery features world-class exhibits of local and natural history artifacts.
Native American
Nebraska Sandhills
Box Butte County history
court records
cemetery records
funeral home records
Newberry Saddle info
school/church records
vintage newspapers on microfilm, etc.
Heritage Seekers typically host a monthly genealogical or historical program the last week of each month. The Writer's group meet the 1st Tues of each month. Scrapbooking group meets generally the 1st weekend of each month. Guided tours of the gallery exhibits are gladly given upon request. Most programs are free or minimal charge.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: False
Newberry Gift Shop offers a wide variety of local authored books, items related to the museum's featured displays of Nebraska Sandhills, Native American and Railroading.
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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