The Society owns two very significant Horace Bundy paintings which are presently on permanent loan at the Londonderry Leach Library on Mammoth Road.
We presently are restoring a 19th horsedrawn carriage owned by Benjamin Adams donated to the Society by the Josiah Barlett house recently sold by the Molly Ried Chapter of the DAR in Derry, NH. Along with the carriage the DAR also donated an 18th child's waistcoat worn by Edmund Adams of Derry/Londonderry, NH.
We have many agricultural and linen making items on display from the 18th c. as these industries were typical of the lives of residents of Londonderry, NH.
The Londonderry Historical Society houses its research and paper artifacts at the Londonderry Leach Library in the Historical/Genealogy Room at the Library.