Last updated: 9/16/2010
4825 Highway 161 S
Scott, AR 72142
P. O. Box 87
Scott, AR 72142
Tuesday - Saturday
8 AM - 5 PM
Open Monday Holidays. Closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Day and New Year's Day.
Adults $3
Child (6-12) $2
Under 6 Free
Adult groups of 15 or more (with reservation)$2.75
School groups call for more information.
Exhibits and programs interpret the history of cotton agriculture in Arkansas from statehood in 1836 through World War II when agricultural practices quickly became mechanized. Tour the museum and learn about farming life on a plantation.Visit the Dortch Gin Exhibit and learn how cotton was ginned. The seed warehouse exhibits display the various machines used to clean and grade planting seed along with the time and labor saving devices used in the warehouse.
Interpretive programs and guided tours for groups and schools are available on request. Contact the museum for details.
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