Last updated: 1/7/2011
1900 Kanawha Blvd. East
Charleston, WV 25305
1900 Kanawha Blvd. East.
Charleston, WV 25305
Tuesday - Saturday
9 AM - 5 PM
Charles W Morris III
Holli M Vanater
The West Virginia State Museum is dedicated to inspiring, educating and enriching the lives of the public by instilling a deeper understanding and sense of pride through the collection, preservation and exhibition of diverse cultural and historic traditions, focusing on every aspect of West Virginia history, culture, art, paleontology, archaeology and geology from all geographic regions - representing the people, land and industries.
The collection of the West Virginia State Museum finds its beginnings with the West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society which was organized in the Senate Chamber of the State House in Charleston on January 30, 1890. At this time it was an organization with limited state support but now with a home on the first floor of the capitol to showcase its collection.
In June of 2009, the newly renovated West Virginia State Museum opens with exhibitions and art that have been updated with modern conservation mounts, scenic beauty and architectural design elements that will help to preserve the collection for generations to come.
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