Last updated: 4/3/2014
1321 East Union Street
Vienna, GA 31092
P.O. Box 436
Vienna, GA 31092
Thursday - Friday
9 AM - 4 PM
Large groups by appointment
Larista Thompson
phone: 229-268-2045
The Georgia Cotton Museum tells the history of cotton and cotton production through video, displays of equipment, photographs and a knowledgable curator.
Cotton has been a way of life for many centuries and stands to remain a major part of our culture and commerce. The Georgia State Cotton Museum is located in the eastern part of Vienna, between historic downtown and I-75. It outlines the history of cotton, and includes a collection of artifacts such as a bale of cotton, farm tools, cotton bolls and periodicals. A visit to the museum and you will be enlightened on how farmers dealt with planting, controlling the insects, prayed for rain and sunshine, and waited for the white fluff to appear at harvest time.
Housed in a 120 year old school house.
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