Last updated: 7/5/2012
405 E. 15th St.
Casper, WY 82601
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 5 PM
Free and open to the public
Sue Easton
Patti Finkle
phone: 307-235-2108
The Werner Wildlife Museum is located at 405 15th street; just a short walk from the Casper College campus. The museum is free and open to the public. Tours are available by appointment!
To provide opportunity to students, residents, and visiting public for quality educational experiences and to promote a culture of awareness and appreciation for the natural world.
The Werner Wildlife Museum was constructed by Herman Werner in 1964 to house his personal trophy collection. On November 30, 1970, Mr. Werner graciously donated the building and all of its collections to Casper College. The focus of the museum is on Wildlife Native to Wyoming, but the museum also houses many animals from around the world.
Natural history mounts from Wyoming and around the world.
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