Last updated: 9/8/2021
120 N. 4th Street
Sundance, WY 82729
P.O. Box 63
Sundance, WY 82729
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4 PM
Sunday, Saturday
9 AM - 11:59 PM
Rocky Courchaine
phone: 307-283-3666
History doesn’t have a state line; the historical aspects of the west can be seen in the Crook County Museum &Art Gallery in picturesque Sundance, Wyoming right off of interstate 90. The History of Crook County is depicted in the many dioramas and exhibits, over 7000 artifacts, which are housed in the lower level of the Crook County Court House.
The original court room where the Sundance Kid had his trial is on display in one of our permanent exhibits along with a gun exhibit that is phenomenal. Experience a walk through time in the replica barn and stable with its buggy and work tools. Glance in the bunk house that has all the amenities a cowboy bachelor could want. Listen for the sounds of stampeding buffalo hooves as you look at the Vore Buffalo Jump diorama with all its grand archeology discoveries. Go on an adventure of a lifetime with Custer and his men as they trek through the Black Hills in the Expedition of 1874. Follow the trails and the tribulations of his men as they fight for survival against nature, the illicit miners, and the natives
Our mission is to keep Crook County’s culture and history for future generations.
Formed in 1968 to house the court room furnishings that the Sundance Kid was tried in in 1887.
The History of Crook County is depicted in the many dioramas and exhibits, over 7000 artifacts, which are housed in the lower level of the Crook County Court House. The original court room where the Sundance Kid had his trial is on display in one of our permanent exhibits along with a gun exhibit that is phenomenal.
Crook County Museum District
1875 Gift and Art Gallery featuring local Wyoming Art Gifts and Books.
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