The Applebee House: Built by Gilbert A. Applebee in 1889 on the site of an earlier home then burned in 1888. The elaborate porch and conservatory were restored in 1988. The first floor has been restored as a complete turn-of-the-century living quarters museum.
The Donlea-Kincaid House: This folk Victorian style house was built in 1898 for Mrs. Patrick Donlea. This house is an excellent example of the vernacular architectural style from the late Victorian period, typical of the Barrington area.
Blacksmith in ACTION! Call or Times and More Information. Stop by for special demonstrations and view the craft of the Blacksmith. Check Web Site and Facebook for Program.
The Barrington History Museum's mission is to collect,preserve, document, and exhibit the history of this area and to provide specialized education programs from pre-school through adult.
The Barrington History Museum, formally the Barrington Area Historical Society was founded in 1968 by local residents dedicated to preserving the history and culture of the Barrington area. Since that time, the Museum has become an integral part of the Barrington area communities. Currently the Museum operates from two restored folk Victorian houses on Main Street in Barrington. The Society's Store is located on the first floor of the Donlea-Kincaid House. The Museum's offices are located on the second-floor of the Applebee House.
In 1999 the original Wichman Blacksmith Shop dating back to 1929 was moved from its original location on Station Street in downtown Barrington to the grounds of the Barrington History Museum and located behind the the Donlea-Kincaid House. The Creet Carriage Barn, a Forge, and lobby area were added to the Blacksmith Shop to create a historical streetscape. The Applebee House, Donlea-Kincaid House, Blacksmith Shop, Creet Carriage Barn, Forge, Exhibit Center and Applebee One Room Schoolhouse now comprises the museum complex known as Old Barrington Center.
Local Barrington History
Jewel Tea Historical Collection
Written research request required - fees associated with usage.
Grade School and Middle School Programs.
2 Restored Victorian Folk Homes
Working Blacksmith Shop
Museum Exhibit Center
Jewel Tea Welcome Center
501(c)3 Charity - Privately Owned and operated by Volunteers and Members
Access: Scholars, Staff Only, Members
Appointment required: True
Please Call 847.381.1730 FOR MORE INFORMATION!
Check Back Often For Rare and Antique Books, and Some Other Great Items To Support The Barrington History Museum.