Last updated: 10/10/2017
Quincy & Stanford Sts
Griggsville, IL 62340
PO Box 22
Griggsville, IL 62340
Monday - Friday
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Linda Patton
Dolores Lightle
The Skinner House, dating to 1858, was built by two doctors who came to Griggsville from England. The home was restored in 1982 and is used as a community center and genealogy society for the Griggsville Genealogical Group. The home is open for visitors.
The house, dating to 1858, was built by two doctors who came to Griggsville from England. Originally a two-family home, the north side later was used for apartments and then was torn down, leaving just the south side and what's known today as the Skinner House.
Personal items and military items of Ulyssus S. Grant
Local history items
Page Hatch, a well-known wildlife carver and painter including duck carvings
A framed quilt, made by Griggsville women and displayed upstairs, features historic buildings that once stood, or still stand, in the community
Community House and Museum occupied by the Griggsville Preservation & Restoration Society.
Available at the house's library -- the published histories, cemetery books and obituaries prized by genealogists -- long overseen by the late June Johnson.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
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