Last updated: 12/13/2014
Hinsdale, Illinois
Street Address
15 South Clay St
Hinsdale, IL 60521
Mailing Address
PO Box 336
Hinsdale, IL 60522
phone: 630-789-2600
fax: 630-789-3593


Friday - Saturday
12 PM - 4 PM
The Archives
10 AM - 2 PM
Archives are located at the Rogers and Ruth Anderson Center, 302 Grant Street, Hinsdale.


Susan English
phone: 630-789-2600

The mission of the Hinsdale Historical Society is to collect, preserve and promote the history of Hinsdale, Illinois, and to foster an awareness and appreciation of its history and architecture through education, programs, exhibits and the maintenance of historical resources and properties in the Village.


Throughout its first century, the Village of Hinsdale had no organization or central place to store records and treasures of its past. Scattered attic trunks, photograph scrapbooks and dusty basement library stacks were the isolated repositories that contained clues to the Village's glorious history. Memories of earlier times were gradually fading. As early residents and their descendents died, pieces of history went with them.

Inspired by the Village's approaching centennial celebration in 1973, a group of concerned residents began to scour the community in search of data and memorabilia that would be useful in public exhibits and presentations of its 100 year history. Because of the difficulties encountered in collecting such material, the idea of a permanent historical organization was conceived.

In April 1975, the Hinsdale Historical Society, under the auspices of the Village's Board of Trustees, was granted a charter as a not-for-profit corporation by the State of Illinois. With the community into its second century, the Society is well established. Hinsdale's proud heritage will be preserved and displayed for future generations.

Artifact Collections

Legacies from the Victorian era have survived since the days of Queen Victoria, particularly during the days Hinsdale was established in 1864. Journey our permanent exhibit space at the Hinsdale History Museum to learn how founding Hinsdaleans and early residents lived and made sense of their everyday lives.

On display are hundreds of objects from Hinsdale residents and interior decor--original and recreated--guiding visitors through the lives of 19th century village citizens. This exhibit space shares what it means to live in a growing local community in the larger context of the Victorian era of the United States.

Educational Programs

The Hinsdale Historical Society provides many programs throughout the year. Please visit our calendar to see details about our upcoming programs


If you would like to be included in our monthly events and program e-blast, please email us at


For information on tours of the Hinsdale History Museum and Immanuel Hall, please contact us at

Gift Shop
Group Tours
Museum Events
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