Last updated: 6/17/2019
406 S. 3rd St.
Monmouth, IL 61462
300 2nd St. NE #306
Mason City, IA 50401
The Wyatt Earp Birthplace, Inc. is a non-profit organization of volunteers, which operates the Birthplace Home. THE HOME IS ALSO OPEN DURING THE SUMMER FROM 2 TO 4, OR BY CHANCE. Monmouth is in west central Illinois on Routes 34 & 67, fifteen minutes west of I-74.
Marshall Wyatt Earp was born in Monmouth on March 19, 1848. The birthplace museum was built in 1841.
1848-1929 period rooms reflecting the “Life and Legend” of U.S. Deputy Marshal Wyatt Earp.
Historical Displays, Books, Articles, O.K. Corral Replica Site in adjoining lot.
Four room Historic House Museum, storage building and adjoining corner lot for re-enactment shows, photo shoots.
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