Updated: 12/11/2008
Graue Mill and Museum, an operating waterwheel grist mill and homestead, is dedicated to maintaining a bridge between past and present generations in the belief that understanding our history is vital to our future. The Museum provides programs -- for school children and others -- that include milling, spinning and weaving and living history presentations, as well as artifacts which illustrate the way of life of area residents between 1850 and 1890 and the impact mills such as Graue Mill had on our culture.
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Graue Mill is the only operating waterwheel gristmill in northeastern Illinois. Step back in time and explore four floors of amazing exhibits and learn about pioneer life on the Illinois prairie and the Underground Railroad. Try your hand at spinning wool and weaving. Help our miller grind corn with our enormous two-ton buhrston
Mid Apr-Mid Nov: Tu-Su 10-4:30
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