1864 Family Home: The elegant Victorian home completed in 1864 stands proudly today as a symbol of the Funk Family that made agricultural history in the late 1800's and early 1900's. The home of the founder of Funk Bros. Seed Co. has been preserved and is now open to thousands of visitors every year. The breath-taking home is filled with the fabulous furniture and décor of the 1800's. Your guided tour will leave you astonished.
Gem & Mineral Collection: The largest one-man rock collection in the world can be found at the Funk Prairie Home Museum at Shirley, Illinois. At the same location as the Prairie Home is a second tour through the incredible lifetime collection of LaFayette Funk II. From every corner of the earth, and even from the moon, come specimens that you'll remember forever. Bill Case will be your tour guide, and the experience is one of a kind.
1860's Machinery & Barn: The Prairie Home's original barn, restored to its original condition, is the largest wood-peg barn still standing in McLean County. The guided tour consists of a walk through the barn and the wing of the museum filled with actual horse-drawn farm equipment from the good old days. Actual photos from the Funk Family Archives line the walls and illustrate the way things were out in the field. On this tour, you'll learn all about farming methods the Funk Family used when horses were king.