Last updated: 4/21/2011
226 West Washington Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
226 West Washington Blvd
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Monday - Friday
10 AM - 4 PM
$4.00 Adults
$3.00 Seniors and Students
5 and under free
Dennis Giere
phone: 260-426-0051
Along with the many artifacts on display, the Museum also teaches fire safety to young.
The Fort Wayne Firefighters’ Museum, Inc. was organized on April 20, 1974, two years after the City closed Fire Station #3 in downtown Fort Wayne. In 1975 they leased the building from the City and started collecting artifacts from Fort Wayne’s past. In 1979 painting and reconstruction began. The building was deeded from the City on April 8, 1987 and became the property of the Museum. The Museum finally opened on a limited basis in 1981. Additional renovations were done between 1998 and 2009 to expand the exhibit area. In 2001 a staff was hired and regular hours were started so the public could enjoy our past.
Access: Members
Appointment required: False
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