Last updated: 12/3/2009
210 East Main St
Westminster, MD 21157
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday - Friday
9:30 AM - 12 PM & 1 PM - 4 PM
Second and fourth Saturdays, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Tuesday - Friday
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
group and individual tours by appointment
Tuesday - Saturday
10 AM - 4 PM
Research Library: Free for members; $5 per day for non-members. Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House: Free for members; $3.00 for non-members.
Timatha Pierce
phone: 410-848-6494
Linda Cunfer
phone: 410-848-6494
Catherine Baty
phone: 410-848-6494
Donna Hewlett
Founded in 1939 to save the historic Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House, the Society now owns three properties on Westminster's Main Street: the Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House (1807), the Kimmey House (c.1800) and Cockey's (c.1820). The Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House have been restored to its original appearance and exhibits artifacts from the time period of the first owners (1807-1842). The Kimmey House houses the Research Library, Shriver-Weybright Gallery and administrative offices. Cockey's has undergone extensive renovation and is now open for community use. The new Shop at Cockey's features books and gift items, including many by local artisans.
Collections included materials relating to the history of Carroll County, Maryland: tall clocks, samplers, quilts, coverlets, clothing and uniforms, furniture, silver, photographs and manuscripts.
The Society sponsors a series of Box Lunch Talks - lectures on Carroll County history. The annual County Birthday celebration commemorates the county's founding in 1837. "Maryland and the Civil War," a one-day conference, is held each spring in cooperation with Carroll Community College. Each fall, Antiques Appraisal Day allows owners to discover the history and value of their treasures. The "Carroll County in the Civil War" student activity kit includes reproduction Union and Confederate uniforms and equipment based on two Carroll County soldiers. The kit is available for loan to area schools. Student tours of the Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House are available by appointment and include activities that coordinate with the Maryland social studies curriculum.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: False
The Society's book catalog includes over 30 titles. The most recently published books are The Ghost of Legh Furnace (2009) and Images of America: Westminster (2009.
Carroll Courier (newsletter), quarterly
Carroll History Journal, 3 times per year
Annual Report
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