Last updated: 12/23/2011
1515 S. Harwood
Dallas, TX 75125
Gary Smith
phone: 214-421-5141 x103
Mary Keil
phone: 214-421-5141 x107
Wilbert O'Hara
phone: 214-421-5141 x100
Nancy Farina
phone: 214-421-5141 x108
Hal Simon
phone: 214-421-5141 x114
Michael Cook
phone: 214-421-5141 x115
Kate Fagelman
phone: 214-421-5141 x111
Becky Schrader
phone: 214-421-5141 x220
Shantrell Ross
phone: 214-421-5141 x101
Pamela Conine
The Dallas County Heritage Society, which administers Old City Park; The Historical Village of Dallas is undergoing major change in a number of areas. Since 1995, the institutional emphasis has moved away from its main focus for the first 30 years of its existence- acquiring new historical structures - to doing more with what it already has on hand. More resources are now being devoted to expanding educational programs and staging special events. In addition, the museum is beginning a changeover in how it interprets history to the public. The traditional docent-led tour is gradually giving way to a multi-layer visitor experience that will feature interactions with craft interpreters and self-guided interpretation gained through audio components and written materials. As an important element in this restructuring, in October 1998, the museum opened its 1860's Living Farmstead fully furnished with reproductions, demonstration crop areas, gardens, costumed interpreters, and farm animals. The Old City Park of the next ten years will be increasingly visitor-friendly, featuring innovative historical experiences at a variety of levels. At the same time, the museum will be even more tied to the local community with a variety of educational programs for school children and adults.
The Dallas County Heritage Society was organized in 1966 to save Millermore, the oldest remaining antebellum home in Dallas county. The Society arranged to move the building to City Park, thus beginning the development of a 13-acre outdoor museum designed to educate visitors about our architectural and cultural history. Old City Park, which is accredited by AAM, has grown to include over 35 structures that represent the history and progress of North Central Texas between 1840 and 1910. Volunteers and crafters interpret life during this year so that visitors understand what it was like to live among our buildings when they were new.
We have approximately 80,000 historic artifacts, which are primarily American, dating from 1840-1910.
Educational Programs: Docent programs; Docent continuning education; School tours; Third Saturday events; Craft demonstrations and classes; Summer Camp; Girl Scout Day; Discovery Day (for visually impaired children).
Special Events: February--African American Heritage Festival; March--Circus; July--Old-Fashioned Fourth of July; September--Texas Country Reporter Festival; December-- Candlelight
Discovery Boxes shold be available for loan in 1999.
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