Last updated: 12/17/2010
249 Circle Way
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
PO Box 242
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
Tuesday - Saturday
10 AM - 4 PM
$3.00 Adult, $2.50 Senior, $1.00 Ages 8-18yr., Free Ages 7 Under, Schools, and Scouts.
Jennifer Caulkins
Susan Tasset
Pat Green
Explore the unique history of the city of Lake Jackson at the 12,000 sq. ft. Museum. Visitors can visit with the ghost of Major Jackson, fly the Windecker Eagle and learn why our streets are
named This Way and That Way.
The Museum also operates the Abner Jackson Plantation Site which is a Texas Archaeological Landmark. It is open free to the public, the first Saturday of each month from 10AM to Dusk. All interested may contact the Museum for information.
Have a question about Lake Jackson's history? The archives are your first stop for researching subjects from the Abner Jackson Plantation to the conception of Lake Jackson by Alden B. Dow, to social groups and local businesses. The archives include a variety of materials pertaining to Lake Jackson's history, including a large collection of early Dow publications, hundreds of photographs, letters, manuscripts, memorabilia, newspapers, selected city records, and archaeological artifacts.
The museum opened in September of 1998 and is operated by the Lake Jackson Historical Association
Karankawa Indians, Abner Jackson Plantation Site; petrochemical influence; Birth and growth of Modern Lake Jackson, Windecker Eagle airplane; Photographs, clothing/textiles, newspapers, paper documents, art and several objects dating form 1840's to 1980's.
The Museum provides lectures and presentations, learning activities, docents, gallery tours and literature distribution.
Oral Histories
This quarterly series explores local history through peronal stories and memories. Come reminisce with our panel speakers, neighbors and friends to share your own experiences.
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