Updated: 11/7/2011 
The National Vietnam War Museum
Mineral Wells, Texas

The National Vietnam War Museum will be a state of the art, world class, interactive museum for all ages.


To promote an understanding of the Vietnam Era while honoring those who served.

The early days

1995- Committee was formed to determine the feasibility of the museum and define it's mission. The museum was established one year later and incorporated in 1997. The museum board sponsored the Moving Wall display in Mineral Wells, Tx in 1998. Twelve acers of land was purchased in 1999. In 2002 the museum initiated the interior designs of and the final design was completed in 2003.

Construction Begins

While continuing to raise funds for the main museum building some small construction projects were begun to increase interest at the site. In 2007 the Meditation Garden was opened. It features two labyrinth trails and a large gazebo. It also contains bricks and stones purchased by donors. In 2008, a UH-1 "Huey" was placed on a 20 foot pole overlooking US Highway 180. Later that year, the 52n Aviation Battalion completed a replice of the memorial wall they built in Pleiku, Vietnam in 1965 and maintained until the fall of Saigon. The wall and the Huey were enclosed in another garden. In 2009, the Museum built a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, about half size, and began an annual event to update the names. Each year, names can be added to the wall in Washington D.C. on Memorial Day. In Texas we add those names the following year on Decoration Day or the first Saturday in June. In 2010 a Visitor Center was added which displays a variety of exhibits in the 300 square foot gallery


Our first exhibit, 2006, was held off-site titled "Tripwire" featured art by American veterans who served in Southeast Asia from 1962–1971. In 2009 we held a second art exhibit off site, titled "Tribute." This exhibit featured individual veterans from across our nation who have created unofficial memorials to those they lost in Southeast Asia. These authentic expressions include artwork, photographs, specially–constructed artifacts and acts of great conviction. Assembled for exhibition, they tell a moving story of love, respect and unwavering obligation. This year we had a third art exhibit titled "Tropic Lightning" and was displayed in our Visitor Center. This exhibit featured works by combat artist Jim Nelson and combat photographer Dave Demauro

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