Last updated: 3/21/2011
610 W. Main Street
Orange, TX 77630
P.O. Drawer 909
Orange, TX 77631
Tuesday - Saturday | 10:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Adults - $5
Seniors 65+ - $2
Students ages 10-18 - $2.
Patsy L. Herrington
phone: 409-883-0871
Lois E. Hamilton
phone: 409-883-0871
W. H. Stark House is an extraordinary statement of Texas social history. The Stark House is but one part of this family's legacy to Orange, Texas. The Nelda C. and H. J. Lutcher Stark Foundation heads the operation of the Stark Museum of Art, the Lutcher Theater for the Performing Arts, the W. H. Stark House, and the soon to open Shangri La Bontonical Gardens and Nature Center.
The 1894 home of William Henry and Miriam Lutcher Stark provides visitors a look into the lifestyle of another era. The Stark House is furnished with the family's original furniture, silver, textiles and large collections of the decorative arts. The Stark family lived in the home from 1894 until 1936. After a careful ten year restoration of the home, the Stark House opened for public tours on February 10, 1981. Today after celebrating twenty-five years of public tours, the Stark House and adjoining Carriage House continue to offer visitors the experience of a turn of the century lifestyle.
The 14 rooms of the Stark House are furnished with the original family's furniture, art works, textiles, books and decorative arts.
The adjoinging Carriage House houses an outstanding collection of American Brillant cut glass, porcelain and pottery from the family's vast holdings.
The Stark House provides programs for local schools, civic and church groups through exhibitions and lectures.
Access: Staff Only
Appointment required: False
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