Last updated: 12/13/2009
Alaska Heritage Library Museum at Wells Fargo
301 West Northern Lights Blvd, K3212-051
Anchorage, AK 99503
301 West Northern Lights Blvd, K3212-051
Anchorage, AK 99503
Tom D. Bennett
phone: 907-265-2834
Jennifer J. Mccarty
phone: 907-265-2834
S/O Hartley
With over 900 artifacts on display, the Alaska Heritage Museum is one of the largest private collections in the state. Originally assembled by the National Bank of Alaska, the collection includes items from several major Alaska Native cultures: St. Lawrence Yupik, Inupiaq, Athabascan, Alutiiq, Aleut/Unganun and Tlingit. The artifacts on display highlight cultural practices such as hunting and fishing, processing game animals, celebrating cultural activities and more.
The permanent exhibit also includes examples of traditional Native clothing, a full-size Bering Sea kayak, an outstanding collection of paintings by Alaskan artists and a 46 troy ounce gold nugget.
Alaska Native People Fine Art from Alaskan artists
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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