Last updated: 3/21/2011
Indians & Pioneers Tourism and Marketing
103 E State Street
Martin, SD 57551
PO Box 314
Martin, SD 57551
The Annual Conference, admission fee of $75.00, will be held in Chadron, NE, this year, on March 18 and 19, 2005. Fee includes conference, supper March 18 and luch March 19 and refreshments. Registration begins on March 18 at 2 p.m. MST and goes until 9 p.m. On March 19th the day begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m.
Gayle Kocer
phone: 605-685-6629
Mike Kesselring
phone: 308-665-1494
Linda Kesselring
phone: 308-665-1494
Dr. Ruthann Knudson
phone: 308-668-2211
Ron Moore
phone: 308-632-1312
Aaron Waller
phone: 307-684-2590
Shellie Johns
phone: 308-432-6380
Gerilyn Livermont
phone: 605-685-6629
Indians & Pioneers Tourism and Marketing Group has a mission statement of working to educate the world about the shared cultural and natural resources of Northwest Nebraska, Southern South Dakota, and Eastern Wyoming. This statement was derived at the first conference in 2003 when local community and tribal tribal netrepreneurs,, tourism agencies, and interested individuals came together to to evaluate a shared cultural history from a networking and toruism perspective.
Mark St. Pierre and Gayle Kocer brainstormed to bring business into the area, discovering that the best way to bring people into the area along with tourims and business was to bring forth a conference to bring everyone together in a shared business and economic effort. Since 2003 the mission statement has been the focus of each following conference agenda as the primary method providing focus to an otherwise diverse group. In fact, the name reflects the heritage represented by both the presenters and the participants.
All people, businesses and organizations involved in tourism and marketing this area are invited to attend.
Understanding the diverse yet shared history of this area is an important aspect of many local tourism business plans. Gaining a better understanding of what this region has to offer coupled with the benefits of face to face networking and mutula promotion is a hallmark of this annual event.
To learn more about this upcoming conference ot to attend you may contact Gayle Kocer or Geri Livermont at Badlands RC&D at 605-685-6629 or Shellie Johns at Chadron State college at 308-432-6380.
Area artists will display their work at the conference. Various styles from quilting, beadwork, pottery to paintings will be displayed for all to view.
Annual conference is held to teach cultural and historical understanding as well as encouraging businesses on main street and the entrepreneurs to work together to bring business into their areas.
Planning Partners: Agate Fossil Beds, Dr. Ruthann Knudson, Badlands RC&D, Gayle Kocer & Geri Livermont; Chandron Chamber of Commerce, Senna Johnson; Chadron State College, Shellie Johns; High Plains Homestead, Mike & Linda Kesselring; Panhandle RC&D, Ron Moore & Richelle Work; Northeastern Wy RC&D; Aaron Waller and South Central RC&D, Theresa Benda & Margie Homan
Access: General Public, Students, Staff Only
Appointment required: False
The Indians and Pioneers Marketing and Tourism Group is reported on through the Conference Planning Partners in their own business newsletters, such as the quarterly newsletter for Badlands RC&D called "The Roundup". A free mailing of the newsletter can be obtained by emailing Geri Livermont at
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