The Museum's audience is bi-cultural, with citizens of all ages. IMAS is located on the border with Mexico in Hidalgo County.
According to the US Census Bureau, the population of Hidalgo County in 2006 was estimated at 700,634 with a population increase of nearly 23% from April 1, 2006 to July 1, 2006. In 2005, over one-third of this population was under age 18, with 89.4% of the total population being of Hispanic or Latino origin.
As of 2000, the census report also indicates that 50.5% of the people over age 25 earned a high school diploma, with 12% over the age of 25 having earned a bachelors degree or higher.
In 2004, the median household income was $23,675 with 30.5% living below the poverty level. In 1999, the per capita money income was $9,899. Both sides of the border of Texas and Mexico, in an area of approximately 25 towns within five counties take the opportunity to use the International Museum of Art & Science.
During the fiscal year of 2005-2006, IMAS reached approximately 80,000 people, of which over 50,000 were provided programming via educational and outreach programs, and over 12,000 via the museum's school tour program. Nearly half of the Museum's visitors are schoolchildren.
During the months of October through March, retired citizens from the northern United States and Canada come to this area seeking warmth from cold winters. The population increases 150,000 in McAllen alone. These part-time citizens of the Rio Grande Valley value the opportunity educationally and culturally that IMAS offers. This migration of "Winter Texans" encourages permanent residency here for many.
McAllen is ranked #1 in Job Growth, #8 in Income Growth, and #10 in Cost of Living in a survey of the top metropolitan areas in America (2003).