Last updated: 4/28/2011
556 West Maple
Birmingham, MI 48009
$2 for Adults (18-64)
$1 Seniors (65+)
$1 Students (5-17)
$1 Birmingham Historical Society Members
Children under 5 are FREE
William K. McElhone
phone: 248-642-2817
The Birmingham Historical Museum features the 1822 John West Hunter House and the 1928 Allen House. These historic buildings sit side-by-side in the beautiful John West Hunter Historic Park near downtown.
The mission of the museum, which opened in May 2001, is to preserve, protect and promote the community's unique heritage. A primary focus of the Museum is to expand educational programs for area schools.
A glimpse of life in Birmingham's pioneering years comes to life when visitors step inside and stroll through the furnished rooms of the 1822 John West Hunter House. The period of 1820-1880's is well represented by the house's furnishings. The restored hearth in the kitchen has an assortment of iron, pewter and wooden implements that have surprising functions.
There is something for everyone at the historic Allen House, including four changing exhibit galleries, a gift shop and an historical records library. The exhibit galleries allow many different stories of local, regional and national interest to be presented in a fun and interesting fashion. The gift shop carries local history books, postcards, videos and other souvenir items. Genealogists and researchers are welcome to schedule research visits.
The Museum, in partnership with other community organizations, including the Birmingham Historical Society, hosts public tours, lectures and special events.
City Museum assisted in programming and fundraising by the Birmingham Historical Society.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
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