Last updated: 11/21/2023
128 Market Street
Apalachicola, FL 32320
P.O. Box 75
Apalachicola, FL 32329
The chief responsability of the AAHS is the operation and management of the 1838 Raney House Museum which is owned by the City of Apalachicola and was officially recorded in National Register of Historic Places on January 22, 1973. The Raney House Museum has on display furniture, documents and other artifacts from the 19th century. Our vision for the Raney House Museum is to make it an outstanding repository of 19th century historical artifacts as well as an outstanding example of ante-bellum Greek revival architecture.
Members of the Raney family lived in the house until 1914 when it was sold to a local doctor. The Raney House was purchased by the city of Apalachicolai in 1973, and the care and custody of the house was turned over to the Apalachicola Area Historical Society.
The Mission of the Apalachicola Historical Society (AAHS) is to encourage the knowledge and appreciation of the history of the area through meetings, discussions, lectures and publications. The AAHS will also encourage the preservation of local historic sites and buildings. As Manager and Operator of the Raney House Museum, the AAHS will be responsible for the upkeep of the Museum, the care and
display of the Museum's artifacts and exhibits, and maintaining an appropriate visiting schedule for the public.
The Apalachicola Area Historical Society was incorporated 28 April 1976 and the articles of incorporation were amended on 25 July 1997 to provide for a 501(c)3 corporation for educational and charitable purposes.
Furniture and paintings of the 19th century, historic documents, a collection of Civil War era Confederate bonds and Confederate currency.
19th century area newspapers
The AAHS is governed by a Board of Directors, a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Access: Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
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