Last updated: 6/23/2011
1311 Pearl Street
Denver, CO 80203
Sunday, Tuesday - Saturday
11 AM - 5 PM
Monday: Appointment Only
Adults $7.00
Seniors, Teachers & Students $6.00 with ID
Groups $5.00 per person for parties of 10 or more with advance reservations
Hugh Grant
phone: 303-832-8576
Holly Victor
Alisha Stovall
Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art has a nationally important display of international decorative art. More than 3,300 works are on view of Arts & Crafts, Art Nouveau, Glasgow Style, Wiener Werkstätte, De Stijl, Bauhaus, Art Deco, Modern and Pop Art. This collection concentrates on a period from the 1860s to about 1980.
A major survey of regional art, with a focus on Colorado art, is documented. More than 700 works by about 170 artists are displayed at any one time. The regional art collection has an emphasis from 1820 to about 1980. The museum also shows a retrospective of Colorado's distinguished painter, Vance Kirkland (1904-1981). Kirkland Museum is a member of the Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios, a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Kirkland Museum displays an internationally important decorative arts collection (1880-1980) with over 3,300 works on view, a retrospective of noted Colorado painter Vance Kirkland and the works of over 160 other modernist Colorado artists.
Access: Scholars, Staff Only
Appointment required: True
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