The National Hansen's Disease Museum serves as a conduit of experiences; the life and work experiences of patients, doctors, nurses and other health care professionals who lived, worked and made medical history in their battle against the stigma and disease of leprosy (Hansen's disease).
Oral histories, artwork, medical artifacts and documentary films tell our story; many patients have donated photographs and memorabilia of their time at the site of the only quarantine hospital for leprosy in the United States.
ArtifactCollections: Photographs Images created by amateur and professional photographers, medical personnel and the Daughters of Charity. Subjects include:
The hospital grounds and buildings
Patients' recreation and organizations
Holidays / Religious services
Veterans organizations
Daughters of Charity
Public Health Service
Patients' housing
Medical treatment
Medical artifacts associated with the care of leprosy (hand-cranked wheelchairs, modified tools for use by those w/insensitive hands), custom made shoes.
The STAR Magazine: Press room artifacts; Patients' Organizations & Entertainment artifacts: Mardi Gras costumes, photo albums of patients' clubs (e.g. Garden Club, B Naturals, American Legion, Lions Club, etc); Facilities tools, Laboratory research.
Daughters of Charity: capulets, rosaries, Catholic statuary, photographs, prie dieu.
Collections.ResearchCollections=Several thousand digital images of hospital at different stages of its development; Daughters of Charity archives; The STAR photographic collection; The STAR Magazine (1941-present); The Question Mark (Carville's school publication); medical journals, dissertations and monographs with Carville and/or leprosy focus.
100 Years of Carville History Timeline;
U.S. Public Health Service;
Recreation of a Patient's Room, circa 1940's;
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul;
Stanley Stein & The Star Magazine;
Medical Adaptations & Treatment;
Frequently Asked Questions about Hansen's Disease (Leprosy);
Photography and Site History of Carville;
Patients' Stories & Patient Advocacy;
Carville Culture: Organizations, Activities & Entertainment;
Federal Civil Service Employees;
HD Ready Reference;
X-Rays: Bones Changes in Leprosy;
Carville in the News;
Numismatics of Leprosy (currency);
Hansen's Disease Stamps from around the world;
Carville's Patients Cemetery;
Coke Bottle Gardens;
Staff Oral Histories
The museum's mission is to collect, preserve and interpret the medical and cultural artifacts of the Carville Historic District and to promote the understanding, identification and treatment of Hansen's Disease (leprosy) by creating and maintaining museum displays, traveling exhibits, publications and a Web site in order to educate and inform the public.
Our collections and exhibits have their origins in the hospital's centennial years of 1994 (first patients arrive) and 1996 (Daughters of Charity come to care for the patients).
Photographs, film, mardi gras costumes and floats, trophies, medical artifacts, and ephemera.
Oral histories; journals, letters & daybooks of the Daughters of Charity; The STAR patient published magazine; The Question Mark, Carville's school publication; Johnny Harmon's "STAR" photo collection; various medical materials relating to the study and treatment of leprosy (HD).
Some educational tools available on website. Others by request: please contact curator.
free of charge:
Carville Book Club, Carville Walking Tours, Exhibit Tour, Presentation: The Landscape of Stigma.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True