Updated: 1/26/2012
301 W. Camden Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Closed Mondays except major Monday holidays.
Sunday, Tuesday - Saturday | 10 AM - 6 PM |
Closed New Years Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day.
Geppi's Entertainment Museum (GEM) is a journey through 250 years of American pop culture, located in historic Camden Station at Camden Yards in Baltimore Maryland, just a few blocks from the city's famed Inner Harbor. Where else can you revisit your childhood and get back in touch with old friends that entertained you in the past through comic strips and books, radio and television shows, films, cartoons, and so much more? The museum exhibits nearly 6,000 pop culture artifacts including comics, toys, dolls, games and memorabilia of every conceivable category. Journey from the late 1700s to the present day and revisit favorite characters like Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, Mickey Mouse, Barbie, G.I. Joe, and many more. Geppi's Entertainment Museum is the home of "pop culture with character!"
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