Last updated: 3/26/2019
150 Central Valley Hwy
Shafter, CA 93263
P.O. Box 1088
Shafter, CA 93263
Tours are available at other times by appointment. Call Stan Wilson, Curator, at 661-746-4423 for an appointment time or for any additional information.
Stan Wilson
phone: 661-746-4423
Stephanie Benito
Located in the ex Santa Fe Railroad depot, our musuem offers railroad, & local history exhibits. he Harlin P. Wilson Agricultual Museum is adjacent to the Depot and contains agricultural exhibits.
The agent’s office contains all the equipment needed to run a small town railroad
agency during the heyday of railroading. Original timetables, tickets and the ticket dater used by the agent are found here. Freight waybills and tariffs from the era are on display. Hoops used to hand up orders to passing trains hang from the walls waiting their next call to duty. There is a working telegraph where visitors can try their hand at telegraphy. In the next room a baggage wagon carries antique trunks ready for loading on the next train out.
The City of Shafter is named for General William Rufus “Pecos Bill” Shafter, commanding general of American forces in Cuba during the Spanish-American War in 1898. This was the year the railroad was
completed in this area and a siding was named in his honor. The Kern County Land Company sold lots for the town of Shafter at this site in 1914. General Shafter began his military career with the Seventh
Michigan Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. He retired from the army in 1901 and lived on his ranch in southwest Kern County until his death in 1906. Some of General Shafter’s personal effects are on display.
The Historical Society was founded in l979 to save and convert the depot into a museum. The musuem was opened to the public in l982.
Shafter Historical Society
A membership brings a twice yearly newsletter.
Shafter Jubliee
Bundle of Living
High Stepping Days
The Shafter Depot Museum has the following books available for purchase:
Bundle of Living by Regina Becker; White Gold by John Turner;
High Stepping Days by Arthur Kadel.
Also available for purchase are the following: Historical Playing Cards; Centennial Cachet; Depot Postcards; Shafter City Postcards; Historical Building Stationary.
If you would like to order a commemorative item or a book available in our gift shop please fill out the form on the Depot website or contact us at 661-746-4423.
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