Last updated: 5/27/2011
52 Tolland Green
Tolland, CT 06084
The Board of Directors holds a monthly business meeting on the last Monday of most months at 7:00 p.m. at the Jail Museum. Members and the public are welcome. Please check in advance to be sure a meeting is scheduled by calling the Society's offices or one of the members listed above.
Historic House
Historical Society
THREE MUSEUMS AND MUCH MORE: OUR MISSION is the aim of the Society to promote community awareness of local history.
DANIEL BENTON HOMESTEAD: Built in 1720 and occupied by the Benton family for 212 years, this is the earliest house museum in TollandCounty.
OLD TOLLAND COUNTY JAIL AND MUSEUM: The oldest cellblock dates from 1856, jailer's home from 1893. Thousand of items used in Tolland homes, farms and businesses.
OLD TOLLAND COUNTY COURTHOUSE: Beautiful 1822 courthouse in a transitional Colonial to Federal style with original Palladian window. Courtroom restored to 19th Century appearance. Exhibits.
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