The Seashore has many programs for children including Junior Rangers (ages 6-11) and Sea Stars (ages 3-5), Junior Lifeguards (ages 12 - 19). Children can complete Junior Ranger, Sea Star, and Seashore Patch booklets while they are visiting Gulf Islands National Seashore. If a group of 11 or more children completes the Seashore Patch Handbook, the group receives a 20% discount on the purchase of a Gulf Islands patch or pin for each participant. School groups are welcome. Junior Lifeguard programs are offered during the summer seasons.
Curriculum-based programs are available October-November, March-April. In Florida call 850-934-2600 for more information. For students going to the Davis Bayou Area in Mississippi, a self-guided educational program called Motion, Adaptation, Resources, Similarities and Habitat (M.A.R.S.H) is available. For information on Mississippi programs call 228-875-9057.