Updated: 4/29/2014 
Gulf Islands National Seashore
Gulf Breeze, Florida

The nation's largest national seashore, Gulf Islands,provides recreational opportunities and historic sites in the panhandle of Florida. Visitors can visit historic Fort Pickens, Fort Barrancas, and the Advanced Redoubt and see coastal defense batteries.

Gulf Islands National Seashore is a 12 unit park located in Mississippi and Florida. The two districts are about a two-hour drive apart. You can drive to some park areas and take a boat to others. Both districts offer developed campgrounds and primitive island camping. The park operates four visitor centers in both states for you to stop at and plan your visit. Ranger Programs are available. Gulf Islands is a great place for outdoor activities like bicycling, swimming, snorkeling, fishing, hiking, beach combing, bird watching, and boating. With so many options you can choose your activities to fit your vacation needs!

Although Gulf Islands National Seashore is 80% submerged lands, the islands and mainland sites attract millions of visitors each year.

In Florida all areas are accessible by car, located on Santa Rosa Island. Fort Pickens road is subject to flooding see details or call 850-934-2656. .

In Mississippi, only the Davis Bayou Area located in Ocean Springs is accessible by car. Visitors may use the passenger ferry to reach West Ship Island, use their own vessels, or hire a National Park Service licensed boat operator for transportation to the islands. National Park Service licensed boat operators can take visitors to the barrier islands. Island camping groups need to request a free permit 7 days in advance


To conserve the scenery, the natural and historic objects and the wild life and to provide for the enjoyment of them in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.

Artifact Collections

The forts of Gulf Islands National Seashore span almost 150 years, from the Spanish colonial Bateria De San Antonio (1797) to the World War Two-era Battery 234. This reflects the historic value of the anchorages at Pensacola Bay, Florida and Ship Island, Mississippi. Most striking among these are the American Third System forts: Fort Pickens, Fort Massachusetts, Fort Barrancas, and the Advanced Redoubt, all of which saw action during the Civil War.


The Seashore has many programs for children including Junior Rangers (ages 6-11) and Sea Stars (ages 3-5), Junior Lifeguards (ages 12 - 19). Children can complete Junior Ranger, Sea Star, and Seashore Patch booklets while they are visiting Gulf Islands National Seashore. If a group of 11 or more children completes the Seashore Patch Handbook, the group receives a 20% discount on the purchase of a Gulf Islands patch or pin for each participant. School groups are welcome. Junior Lifeguard programs are offered during the summer seasons.

Curriculum-based programs are available October-November, March-April. In Florida call 850-934-2600 for more information. For students going to the Davis Bayou Area in Mississippi, a self-guided educational program called Motion, Adaptation, Resources, Similarities and Habitat (M.A.R.S.H) is available. For information on Mississippi programs call 228-875-9057.



Gift Shop
Hours of Operation
Naval Live Oaks Visitor Center

GPS location North 30° 21.845 West 87° 7.834

Daily8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

(850) 934-2600

Fort Barrancas Visitor Center - Mar.-Oct.

GPS location North 30° 21.845 West 87° 7.834

Daily9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Fort Barrancas guided tour daily 2:00 p.m. Advanced Redoubt guided tour Sat. 11:00 a.m. (850) 455-5167

Fort Barrancas Visitor Center - Nov.-Feb

GPS location North 30° 20.941 West 87° 17.886

Fort Barrancas guided tour daily 2:00 p.m. Advanced Redoubt guided tour Sat. 11:00 a.m. (850) 455-5167

Fort Pickens Visitor Center - Mar. - Oct.

GPS location North 30° 19.675 West 87° 17.408

Daily9:30 AM - 5 PM

Self-guided tours daily 8:00 a.m.-sunset. (850) 934-2635

Fort Pickens Visitor Center - Nov. - Feb.

GPS location North 30° 19.675 West 87° 17.408

Daily9:30 AM - 4 PM

Self-guided tours daily 8:00 a.m.-sunset. (850) 934-2635

This information, including business hours, addresses and contact information is provided for general reference purposes only. No representation is made or warranty is given as to its content or the reliability thereof. User assumes all risk of use. Stories USA, Inc. and its content suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use. Please call ahead to verify the dates, the location and directions.


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