Last updated: 8/8/2017
5353 Parkside Drive
Jupiter, FL 33458
Tuesday - Friday
11 AM - 4 PM
Sunday - Monday, Saturday
Please see website for museum info and history.
To educate, and display artworks, including paintings, graphics, and porcelain art, especially by Edna Hibel. To acquaint people with the humanistic philosophy of Edna Hibel.
The Craig Collection of Edna Hibel Art, Antique Snuff Bottle Collection, Japenese Hino Doll Collection, Paperweight Collections, Chinese Furniture Collection, Dr. Katz's mineral & fossil collection.
Small collection of art, art history books available for study/review while at the museum.
Year-round art class for children.-fee required Summer art camp for children.-fee required Promenade Concert Series-free to publicMonthly Hibel Teas-fee required Museum tours free to public, provided by trained docents.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Staff Only
Appointment required: False
Museum Quarterly Newsletter for Members
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