Last updated: 4/6/2012
312 Pier View Way
Oceanside, CA 92054
Sunday - Wednesday, Friday - Saturday
10 AM - 4 PM
Julie Cox
phone: 760-721-6876 x103
Rich Watkins
phone: 760-721-6876
1200 sq. ft. of surfboards, photos and related pop culture items relating to the sport/lifestyle of surfing. Exhibits are rotated every year.
Nearly 45,000 people visit the California Surf Museum each year. They come from every corner of the world - many are surfers, many are not. And while our museum is honored to display various historical facets of surfing – the boards, the people, the strong influence on our culture – we are constantly amazed at the many unexpected gifts our visitors bring us, all because of their passion for surfing. They bring us stories, and sometimes boards and artifacts, and we’d like to share a bit of their tales with you
Founded in February, 1986. Moved to a temp location by the Oceanside Pier in 1991, then to the present spot in 1996. Have been collecting boards, photos, stories and emphemera related to surfing ever since. Rotating mini-exhibits have included skateboards, surf wax, movie posters, bodyboards, record albums, clothing and the like.
Member newsletter, "Outside," is published every 4-5 months and brings everyone up-to-date on museum events.
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