Last updated: 6/15/2023
115 WY - 24
Hulett, WY 82720
PO Box 103
Hulett, WY 82720
Monday - Friday
9 AM - 4 PM
Closed Sundays and Holidays
Monday - Friday
9 AM - 4 PM
Closed Sundays and Holidays
Free Admission, Donations welcome
Korina Ike
phone: 307-467-5292
The Hulett Museum & Art Gallery mission is to collect and preserve the history, culture and integrity of northeastern Wyoming. The Museum seeks to inspire, educate and enrich the lives of the community, tourists, and visitors by collecting and preserving both prehistoric and historic artifacts. These objects are artifacts of the heritage of the people of Hulett and surrounding area.
Hulett was established in 1896 and named for a family that settled there fifteen years earlier. Nestled between the red sandstone cliffs of the Belle Fourche River, Hulett is in one of Wyoming’s prettiest locations.
Our museum and art gallery opened to the public April 2010.
The collection consists of Geological, Paleontological, Archeaological, Native American and Historical Items.
We also work closely with the local school system, county branch library, county museums and senior center to create educational and informative lectures and events for the community.
To learn more about contributing to the collection, planning your next visit to the Hulett Museum and Art Gallery, or hosting a lecture and exhibit at your school or business, please contact director Korina Ike, at 307-467-5292 or
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