Updated: 2/14/2012
4703 Texoma Parkway
Sherman, TX 75090
Monday- Friday open by request or reservation!
Friday | 4:30 PM - 7 PM |
Saturday | 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM |
Sunday | 1:30 PM - 6:30 PM |
Natural History
Keith Mcbrair
phone: 903-771-1134
The Harber Wildlife Museum is life long dream of Dorothy and Lacy Harber that has come to fruition right here in Grayson County, Texas. The Museum will be open for all to view and is home to their life long pursuit of animals from around the world. Along with many animal species, there is also an extensive collection of African artifacts on display.
1 Africa
2 North America
3 Americas Desert
4 Mixed scene Russia, Australia, Saudi, New Zealand, Asia
Conservation, preservation, and education is the mission of the museum to perpetuate this legacy for all future generations.
Hundreds from around the world. Africa, India, Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia.
Artifacts and animals are available for research.
We provide tours through the exhibits, a video room with videos on animals and there environments, a library of books, and room full of artifacts. We have several classes and lectures scheduled.
We do allow photography. We host Ducks Unlimited and a number of other participating conservation organizations.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Staff Only
Appointment required: False
Please contact us !! We are a nonprofit organization and in need of volunteers and donations!
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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