Last updated: 4/26/2017
2311 29th St
Gulfport, MS 39501
Monday - Friday
9 AM - 5 PM
Stacie H. Banes
phone: 228-864-9082
The Busted Wrench Garage is not a business, it's a passion. The Busted Wrench was founded in 2008 by John Hans, a life-long motor vehicle enthusiast. Later, the Busted Wrench added an automotive gift shop to satisfy the desires of fellow car-buffs to buy nostaligic signs, branded clothing, die-casts, and various collectibles. The Busted Wrench hosts monthly cruise-ins and is becoming a preferred venue for certain car shows in the southern Mississippi area.
Classic cars, motorcycles, and even boats are displayed in a 6,000 square foot exhibit hall. The display is very three-dimensional, and is lined with plaques, antique posters, and other nostalgic mementos along the walls. The assortment changes from time-to
The Garage has become a destination for individuals and groups. Car clubs from other states come en masse to visit the Garage. Travelers visiting the tourist attractions of the Gulf Coast include the Garage as a must-see place. If you're in the Gulfport-Biloxi, Mississippi, area, be sure to take the free tour. In just the past few months, we have been honored by visitors from more than twenty states and several European countries.
Vintage and classic cars and other motorized vehicles are displayed in our free museum.
In addition to our year-round permanent collection, automobile clubs join us for one day shows featuring more than 100 exotic vehicles.
A few items we have on display are loaned to the museum. We occasionally loan items for special external events. All loans must be approved by John Hans, Manager.
The Busted Wrench Garage is a great venue. A grass lawn and large oak shade trees make for a pleasant visit on those warmer sunny days. For large events, we close off 29th Street and also spread into an adjacent parking lot. Please consider having your club's future shows at this pleasant location. The Busted Wrench Garage has three convenient bathrooms, and, of course, an indoor car exhibit, and the famous air-conditioned Automotive Gift Shop.
Gift Shop
Online Gift Shop
Event Rental
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