Last updated: 5/24/2013
570 Pacific Street
Monterey, CA 93940
Museums and Cultural Arts - City of Monterey
570 Pacific Street
Monterey, CA 93940
Built to serve as a public school and town meeting hall, Colton Hall now offers visitors a re-creation of the meeting room where California's first Constitution was drafted in October 1849 and exhibits on early Monterey. Colton Hall is a State Historic Landmark and a major site in the Old Town Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, in Monterey, once the capital of Alta California.
Bithplace of the State of California. Site of the 1849 Constitutional Convention to establish constitution, debated and written in Engliah and Spanish, the constitution established rights for women, California as a free state, set state boundaries, and more. Also served as a school and courthouse, and is the oldest public building in continous use in California.
Furnishings; art; materials associated with constitutional convention, school, and courts.
Books and archival collections: photographs, documents, ledgers, memorabila associated with constitution, courts, and schools.
Class and organization tours and presentations
Spring Music Series (donations accepted)
"Talking History" lecture series during May (National Museum Month)
Colton Hall Museum and Cultural Arts Commission:
Museums and Cultural Arts Division, City of Montdrey
Pending; Please check back here or our website.
Two story historic building. Not wheelchair accessible.
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