Updated: 11/30/2013 
City of Freeport Historical Museum
Freeport, Texas

Exhibits include models of the old swing bridge and Velasco lighthouse, Discovery Dome planetarium, Antonelli's tribute, Children's Exhibit, and rotating temporary exhibitions.

Our Children's Exhibit is now open.

Our Children's Exhibit is now open. Come make a parachute and see it fly, build a lego masterpiece or get a high score on Xbox Connect. Hold a puppet show, build a molecule, or take a stroll across the wacky bridge. This exhibit is especially designed to let your child's imagination soar.

Throughout the year, the City of Freeport Historical Museum displays temporary exhibits. These exhibits range from traveling exhibits to exhibits created specifically for the museum. The exhibits created for the museum include The American Presidents, The Birds of Freeport, The Spirit of Texas, and our newest temporary exhibit, Bringing the War Home. Check out our Events Calendar to see which exhibit is currently on display.

Local residents have donated or loaned the Museum historical memorabilia. If you would like to donate or loan a piece of Freeport history to the museum, please contact the museum at 979-233-0066 or City Hall at 979-233-3526.


To collect and preserve, for the benefit of the citizens of Freeport and surrounding areas, historical and natural history materials relating to this area, from earliest human settlement through the current year, to interpret its history, to acquire and preserve property and artifacts, to publish relevant materials, to conduct educational programs, and to conduct activities appropriate to the stated goals. Our goal is to establish the museum as a link to our local government, businesses, and history of our community.


City of Freeport historical museum opened its doors on September 26, 2009. It is located in the old Freeport Facts building in downtown Freeport.

Artifact Collections
Dow Magnesium
Maritime Collection
World War I and World War II artifacts
local Freeport history
Research Collections
Brazosport Exporter Yearbooks from 1946
Special Weekend Treats

Rootbeer Floats are available for purchase on weekends as part of the museum's Antonelli's tribute. Prices are $2.00 for adults and $.05 for children.

The museum also offers a temporary exhibit hall and conference and meeting space.

Event Rental
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Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

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Washington, Arkansas

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

April 5 - 8, 2025

Ithaca, New York



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