Last updated: 6/29/2013
705 Ginesi Drive
Morganville, NJ 07751
If you are coming any distance, please phone to confirm that we will be open: 732.862.1282.
Group tours are available at other times by appointment.
Frederic C. Pachman
phone: 908-309-1890
Steven Buckley
phone: 732-809-7040
The New Jersey Scout Museum focuses on people and places in New Jersey that have helped to shape and enrich the Scouting movement. Many special places across New Jersey are associated with Scouting, such as Schiff Scout Reservation, the Eisner Company factory in Red Bank which made the first Boy and Girl Scout uniforms, the former BSA national office in North Brunswick, the camps along the Delaware River where the Order of the Arrow was born and nurtured, and the Jersey Shore where Sea Scouts and Mariners learned the rules of the sea.
The New JErsey Scout Museum is a non-profict organization founded in 2004. Our mission is:
- To prserve artifacts relating to the history of Boy Scouts and GIrl Scouts in New Jersey.
- To educate the public about Scouting's role in our communities and nation in developing young people into responsible citizens and leaders.
The New Jersey Scout Museum was founded in 2004, and occupies space in the Monmouth Council BSA Service Center. In 2013 we underwent a major renovation and redesign of the museum and exhibits, and will celebrate our 10th anniversary next year.
The permanent collection has an emphasis on the history of the Monmouth Council BSA, but we are continually adding documents, photographs and artifacts from Girl Scout and Boy Scout councils and camps across New Jersey.
There is an extensive collection of artifacts, uniforms, patches, documents and photographs from Girl Scout and Boy Scout councils and camps across New Jersey. In addition there is a collection of official handbooks, and novels with Scouting themes.
Throughout the year, the New Jersey Scout Museum offers workshops and events that discuss or educate regarding aspects of Scouting in the Garden State.
The New Jersey Scout Museum is governed by a Board of Trustees, with operations and activities handled by the Operating Committee.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
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