Last updated: 7/12/2022
10340 Faur Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
P.O. Box 2044
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Thursday, Saturday | 10 AM - 4 PM |
Historical Society
A small museum containing memorabilia of Fair Oaks, which was founded in 1895. It has maps, photos, stories, and artifacts, including a small collection of Indian tools and musical instruments.
To educate people about the history and interesting information about the early years of Fair Oaks.
The Society was formed in 1975 and moved into its current building 15 years ago
Bottles, Indian collection, photos, maps, clothing from early 1900s
Newspaper articles, personal histories, maps and photos of individuals and homes.
A small building approx 60’ x 60’
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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