Last updated: 5/6/2015
50 Peary Terrace
South Portland, ME 04106
27 Kavanaugh Road
Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064
Sunday, Tuesday - Saturday
11 AM - 5 PM
Sunday, Saturday
11 AM - 5 PM
Will open anytime during the winter on request.
Lee Humiston
phone: 207-767-8227
Through authentic artifacts, displayed in a variety of formats throughout the museum, viewers can bear witness to the experiences and sacrifices of past members of our Armed Forces.
Museum exhibits cover every aspect of military service from the Revolutionary War to Afghanistan and Iraq. The primary focus is on American Prisoners of War (POWs) from our own Civil War up to the Vietnam Conflict.
It is not a glorification of war, but a tribute to those who have served in the military, during peacetime and in war. It is also a place to honor those who have paid the ultimate price while serving the state of Maine and our nation over the years.
The mission of the museum is to teach today's and future generations the true meaning of "SERVICE ABOVE SELF".
The museum displays artifacts and uniforms from the revolutionary war through current day conflicts with a special concentration on prisoner of war artifacts. Additional collections include:
models of military craft
The museum sponsors student tours of the facility as well as teacher and pupil education programs.
Included in the museum is a function hall that is available for rent and is frequently used for veteran functions such as medal awards ceremonies.
Lecture Halls
Performance Areas
Accessible facility with no stairs.
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