The Palmetto Historical Commission is a non profit organization dedicated to the preservation of historic buildings, documents and artifacts. The Palmetto Historical Commission operates the Palmetto Historical Park in partnership with the City of Palmetto and the Manatee County Clerk of Circuit Court. The park is home to an 1880 post office, a 1920 schoolhouse, a 1900 cottage, a replica chapel, a military museum and a 1914 Carnegie Library.
Manatee County and City of Palmetto residents help support Palmetto Historical Park. We very much appreciate that support and give back to our community by providing family friendly events such as our Halloween Social, Christmas in the Park and Heritage Day, as well as our very popular hands-on school tours, and an archive center utilized by media, historians and community members. Our 9+ yearly events and school tour programs are offered free of charge. Palmetto Historical Park is a place for local residents to learn about their local history and enjoy quality events with their families.
To foster an awareness and appreciation of our heritage and to preserve our historical resources.
The Palmetto Historical Commission was organized by the late Josephine Harrison and confirmed by the Palmetto City Council in 1982 to save Palmetto's original post office from demolition. The original post office was moved to the corner of 10th Avenue and 6th Street. This site originally was the town's first city hall, public school, Carnegie Library, municipal water plant and fire station. In 1997, the Mayor and her Commissioners dedicated the site as the Palmetto Historical Park. Since that time, a 1920 schoolhouse, 1900s cottage, Military Museum and reimagined chapel have been added to the park. The Manatee County Agricultural Museum is also on this site.